
Five Sleepy Heads

Titel: Five Sleepy Heads
Längd: 1:30
Sid Tepper och Roy C. Bennett
Utgivare: Gladys Music
Inspelningsdatum: 1967-06-20/21
Inspelningstid: mellan klockan 19:00-00:00 och 01:00-04:00
Inspelningsplats: MGM Sound Stage – Hollywood, CA
Matrix: WPA1 1024
Tagning master: 3
Filmbolagets producent: Jeff Alexander
Studiotekniker: Aaron Rochin och Lyle Burbridge

Gitarr: Chip Young
Gitarr: Tiny Timbrell
Bas: Bob Moore
Trummor: D. J. Fontana
Trummor: Buddy Harman
Piano: Larry Muhoberac
Steel guitar: Pete Drake
Saxofon: Boots Randolph
Trumoete: Charlie McCoy
Kör/bakgrundssångare: The Jordanaires

Första utgivning: Speedway (LSP-3989)

Även utgiven på bland annat:
Elvis Sings For Children And Grown-Ups Too! (CPL1-2901)
Elvis In Germany (NL 43730)
The Complete Bonus Songs (NL 45180)
Easy Come, Easy Go / Speedway (07863 66558 2)


There were five sleepyheads
All tucked into their beds
While I sang a lullaby
One got dream dust in her eye

There were four sleepyheads
Playing possum with me
Mr. sandman came by
And then there were three

Moonbeams play peek-a-boo
Three awake became two
And my song was almost done
When the land of nod took one

Kissed the last one goodnight
Then I heard not a peep
There were five sleepyheads
Now they’re all fast asleep