Stay Away, Joe
Titel: Stay Away, Joe
Längd: 1:40
Kompositörer: Ben Weisman och Sid Wayne
Utgivare: Gladys Music
Inspelningsdatum: 1967-10-01
Inspelningstid: okänt
Inspelningsplats: RCA Studio B – Nashville, TN
Matrix: U3KM 2246
Tagning master: mix av 2 (musik) och okänd tagning av Elvis sång
Filmbolagets producent: Jeff Alexander
Producent: Felton Jarvis
Studiotekniker: Al Pachucki
Gitarr: Scotty Moore
Gitarr: Chip Young
Bas: Bob Moore
Trummor: D. J. Fontana
Trummor: Buddy Harman
Piano: Floyd Cramer
Munspel: Charlie McCoy
Fiol: Gordon Terry
Kör/bakgrundssångare: The Jordanaires
Första utgivning: Let’s Be Friends (CAS-2408)
Även utgiven på bland annat:
Almost In Love (CAS-2440)
Rockin’ And Lovin’ (CL 42422 (2))
King Of Rock’n’Roll (NL 89069)
The Definitive Film Album (PL 90062 & PD 90062)
Kissin’ Cousins, Clambake And Stay Away Joe (07863 66362 2)
The Original Elvis Presley Collection (SP5001-SP5050)
The Graceland Box
Låten var med i filmen ”Stay Away, Joe”.
Ho jump down, spin around, let’s have a party
Look who’s back, stay away Joe
Chock taw, chick a shaw, gonna drink me hearty
Welcome back, stay away Joe
Stay away Joe they call me
Stay away Joe oh yeah!
But if you need me call me
Hoop and a holler and I’ll be there
Who keeps turnin’ up like a bad penny
Take one guess, stay away Joe
Always findin’ trouble a-plenty
Oh my yes, I reckon you know
Stay away Joe they call me
Stay away Joe oh yeah!
But if you need me call me
Hoop and a holler and I’ll be there
When two lips are right for the pickin’
Who crops up
I love them and leave them screamin”n kickin’
Giddy up look at him look at him go
Stay away Joe they call me
Stay away Joe oh yeah!
But if you need me call me
Hoop and a holler and I’ll be there