The Definitive Gospel Album

Titel: The Definitive Gospel Album
Format: 2LP
Skivnummer: PL 90060
Utgivningsår: 1987
Land: Nederländerna
Bolag: EVA Columbia
CD-version: se nedan
Sida A:
01. Crying In The Chapel
02. We Call On Him
03. Amazing Grace
04. His Hand In Mine
05. I’m Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs
06. I Believe
07. An Evening Prayer
08. You’ll Never Walk Alone
Sida C:
01. Joshua Fit The Battle
02. Mansion Over The Hilltop
03. Known Only To Him
04. In My Father’s House
05. Milky White Way
06. So High
07. Reach Out To Jesus
08. The Impossible Dream (The Quest) (1972-06-10)
Sida D:
01. How Great Thou Art
02. He Touched Me
03. Lead Me, Guide Me
04. Take My Hand, Precious Lord
05. He Is My Everything
06. Why Me Lord (1974-03-20)
07. An American Trilogy (1973-01-14)
Titel: The Definitive Gospel Album
Format: CD
Skivnummer: PD 90060
Utgivningsår: 1987
Land: Nederländerna
Bolag: EVA Columbia
Några låtar på CDn har kortats ner för att få plats på en CD. Man har klippt bort en vers på varje markerad låt.
01. Crying In The Chapel
02. We Call On Him
03. Amazing Grace
04. His Hand In Mine
05. I’m Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs
06. I Believe
07. An Evening Prayer
08. You’ll Never Walk Alone
09. Peace In The Valley (förkortad version)
10. Swing Down Sweet Chariot (förkortad version)
11. Where Could I Go But To The Lord? (förkortad version)
12. In The Garden
13. Stand By Me
14. Working On The Building
15. A Thing Called Love
16. Joshua Fit The Battle (förkortad version)
17. Mansion Over The Hilltop
18. Known Only To Him
19. In My Father’s House
20. Milky White Way (förkortad version)
21. So High
22. Reach Out To Jesus (förkortad version)
23. The Impossible Dream (The Quest) (1972-06-10)
24. How Great Thou Art
25. He Touched Me
26. Lead Me, Guide Me (förkortad version)
27. Take My Hand, Precious Lord (förkortad version)
28. He Is My Everything
29. Why Me Lord (1974-03-20)
30. An American Trilogy (1973-01-14)