
As Long As I Have You

Titel: As Long As I Have You
Längd: 1:50
Kompositörer: Fred Wise och Ben Weisman
Utgivare: Gladys Music
Inspelningsdatum: 1958-01-16
Inspelningstid: mellan klockan 09:00-17:30
Inspelningsplats: Radio Recorders Studio B – Hollywood, CA
Matrix: J2PB 3611
Tagning master: 10
Walter Scharf och Phil Khagan
Studiotekniker: Thorne Nogar och Wally Kamin

Gitarr: Elvis Presley
Gitarr: Scotty Moore
Bas: Bill Black
Bas och tuba: Ray Siegel
Bas och gitarr: Neal Matthews
Trummor: D. J. Fontana
Bongotrummor: Gordon Stoker
Cymbaler: Hoyt Hawkins
Piano: Dudley Brooks
Klarinett: Mahlon Clark
Trumpet: John Ed Buckner
Saxofon: Justin Gordon
Trombon: Elmer Schneider
Kör/bakgrundssångare: The Jordanaires

Första utgivning: King Creole Vol. 1 (EPA-4319)

Även utgiven på bland annat:
King Creole (LPM-1884)
King Creole Vol. 1 (EPA-5122)
The Other Sides – Elvis Worldwide Gold Award Hits Vol. 2 (LPM-6402)
Memories Of Elvis: A Lasting Tribute To The King Of Rock ’N’ Roll (DML 5-0347)
The Elvis Collection (NL-43290)
The E.P. Collection (EP-1)
King Creole Vol. 1 (RCX 7194)
We Love Elvis Vol. 2 (B18D-41038~40)
Essential Elvis Vol. 3 – Hits Like Never Before (PL 90486 & PD 90486)
The King Of Rock’N’Roll – The Complete 50’s Masters (PL 90689 & PD 90689)
Romantique Elvis (74321 15780 2)
The Romantic (ENTCD9004)
The Elvis Collection (RDCD Z87091ZZ)
Heart & Soul (07863 66532 2)
The Other Sides – Worldwide Gold Award Hits Vol. 2 (07863 66921 2)
The Original Elvis Presley Collection (SP5001-SP5050)
Forever In Love (74321 49484 2)
King Creole (07863 67454 2)

Alternativa versioner:
Track N, take 4 Essential Elvis Vol. 3 – Hits Like Never Before (PD 90486), King Creole (07863 67454 2)
Track N, take 8, movie version Essential Elvis Vol. 3 – Hits Like Never Before (PL 90486 & PD 90486), The King Of Rock’N’Roll – The Complete 50’s Masters (PL 90689 & PD 90689), King Creole (07863 67454 2)

Låten var med i filmen ”King Creole


Let the stars fade and fall
And I won’t care at all
As long as I have you
Every kiss brings a thrill
And I know that it will
As long as I have you

Let’s think of the future
Forget the past
You’re not my first love
But you’re my last

Take the love that I bring
Then I’ll have everything
As long as I have you

Let’s think of the future
Forget the past
You’re not my first love
But you’re my last

Take the love that I bring
Then I’ll have everything
As long as I have you
As long
As long as I have you (as long as I have you)