For The Asking – ”The Lost Album”

Titel: For The Asking – ”The Lost Album”
Format: LP
Skivnummer: NL 90513
Utgivningsår: november 1990
Land: Tyskland
Bolag: RCA
CD-version: se nedan
Sida A:
01. (It’s A) Long Lonely Highway
02. Western Union
03. Witchcraft
04. Love Me Tonight
05. What Now, What Next, Where To
06. Please Don’t Drag That String Around
07. Blue River
08. Never Ending
Sida B:
01. Devil In Disguise
02. Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers
03. Echoes Of Love
04. Slowly But Surely
05. It Hurts Me
06. Memphis, Tennessee
07. Ask Me
Titel: For The Asking – ”The Lost Album”
Format: CD
Skivnummer: ND 90513
Utgivningsår: november 1990
Land: Tyskland
Bolag: RCA
Denna skiva gavs ut i USA under titeln The Lost Album (07863-61024-2) på CD.
01. (It’s A) Long Lonely Highway
02. Western Union
03. Witchcraft
04. Love Me Tonight
05. What Now, What Next, Where To
06. Please Don’t Drag That String Around
07. Blue River
08. Never Ending
09. Devil In Disguise
10. Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers
11. Echoes Of Love
12. Slowly But Surely
13. It Hurts Me
14. Memphis, Tennessee
15. Ask Me